Friday, June 25, 2010

The Last 9 Months!!

This is my Pee Stick! Trust me I was never more excited to see a positive at 5 am in the morning then I was when I saw this! After trying for 4 years and many negative test you dont know how happy I was to see this after 1 month of working with a fertility specialist! I was only 3 1/2 weeks pregnant :)

This is my little little peanut. This pic is at 6 weeks and her heart is almost as big as her. What an amazing experience to see and hear it beat.

This is my Gummy Bear! She was about the size of a Gummy Bear at 9 weeks.. Whenever Jas and I eat Gummy Bears it takes us back to our beautiful girl and we cant believe she was ever this small :) She was also very wiggley!

This is Paisley at 18 Weeks! This is when we found out we were blessed with a GIRL!! I really thought she was a boy... Nope she is my Girl!!

This is Paisley at 22 Weeks. Its hard to see her pic but she is as cute as ever :)

The last nine months have been amazing.. Apart from throwing up, emotional, being neauseaus, tired, backaches, headaches, feet aches, leg cramps, and everything else that goes with pregnancy. I am truly blessed and would do it all over again in a heartbeat!

I tell Jas everyday how sad I am that after 2 weeks I will not feel her in my tummy no more. I will not feel her kicks, punches, hiccups, twists and turns, and the occasional foot in the ribs. There are days when I even lay in bed in cry. Its so sad :( But I am so happy that she will be here soon to hold, kiss, love on, teach, learn from, watch grow, and most of all have forever. Jas and I are so blessed to be parents and to be able to teach one of Heavenly Fathers chosen daughters. We look forward to the challenge and cant wait to see how she grows!

Paisleys Baby Shower

I am by far the worst blogger in the world! Haha.. A littlet update. I am 37 1/2 weeks and ready for Pais to be here! I am counting down the days.

I had my baby shower in May. My beautiful Mom and Sisters threw a great shower and Paisley got more then enough stuff :) I can't wait to dress her up in all her cute clothes!

I thank Heavenly Father everyday for the amazing opportunity to be blessed to be able to be a mother. I'm so grateful for my mom and everything she has taught me about motherhood and how to love a child.